(Medium: Colored Pencil.)
“The Star” from the Gaian Tarot
A time of peace and tranquility follows the lightning and storms of the previous card. A woman kneels before a sacred spring that is filled with starlight. In her hands, she cups the Water of Life. Soon she will take a deep drink and be filled with renewal, hope and inspiration. Her body becomes suffused with light as she experiences herself at one with all beings.
Above her the Pleaides rise, those dancing Seven Sisters who symbolize our heart’s home. Behind her is the celestial stream between Heaven and Earth, known as the Milky Way, where pilgrims travel from one realm to the next. Beside her the Kingfisher reminds us of the halcyon days of peace and plenty. With our inner ear, we hear a voice proclaim: “I am the Soul of Nature, which gives Life to the Universe. From me all things proceed, and to me all things shall return.” More than anything, the Star Goddess represents grace, a divine connection that is unearned and freely granted.
Let us take our hope and inspiration from the Star of Wonder. May She remind us to offer up a prayer of thanksgiving for the multitude of blessings in our lives.