Kind Words

“As always, you touch my heart with your emails. Calm in the storm. Things that I can do, ways I can live my life, get in touch with myself, others, nature. They are something I treasure and go back to read over and over, especially as we traverse this uncertain time.

One of my greatest treasures is a gift I bought myself when I lived in Washington. Those two years were incredibly beautiful and incredibly lonely. It was during the beginning of my time there that I first “discovered” you and splurged on a limited edition Gaian Tarot deck. I wasn’t into tarot but the cards looked so beautiful that I decided that I “needed” them.

Oh, what joy when I opened that package. The silk bag that they come in, the scent of the herbs in the bag- so exquisite. I always sniff the bag before I remove the cards. They live on my nightstand. I pull out a card regularly and read it’s wisdom. They’ve guided me through many trials and tribulations since I moved back to Ohio, They were one of the first things that moved into my new home. And they are one of the things that I turn to now in this turbulent time.”


Joanna, I wanted to send a quick thank you for all of your lovely newsletters, offerings, and teachings. Thank you for sharing so authentically and powerfully about your personal experiences, through your divorce certainly, but also just as consistently over the years.

I started following along with your work online about the time that you published the Gaian tarot deck. You have been a huge encouragement and inspiration to me for years! I’m sure it’s easy to forget that the same is probably true of many, many readers out there, who have been deeply blessed by your work but from whom you’ve perhaps never heard.

So, for all of us ‘quiet’ followers, who don’t often comment and who participate sporadically, but who open and treasure each email, and who eagerly read every blog post, thank you for being willing to write and share online about your journey through life. Your deep joy and love for mother nature are shared with us and, I hope, returned to you through her secret networks, if not often through words.


I wanted to express my gratitude for your inspiration and guidance. I have been participating with your daily, online, seasonal practices for the past several months, beginning with the #30dayofyule, presently with #30daysofspring. While I have always been aware of the changing seasons from my Latvian heritage (very nature-based culture), I have come to cherish the time I take each day, in response to your visual, spiritual and thought prompts. It has brought a richness to my days, and has almost made me feel like time has slowed down a bit!

My sensitivities are heightened, my sense of gratitude has increased ten-fold, and I have re-discovered long ignored passions and gifts. After a long pause , I am once again journaling, reading and writing poetry, drawing and painting, and sometimes just receiving the restorative gifts that “idle” time, daydreaming and play offer.

When the #30days of Yule was coming to a close, I became wistful when the end was getting closer. Then, Hurray! The #30daysofBrigid began! So, I Thank You from my heart. You have many special gifts and I appreciate the fresh, new ways you share your “ancient” wisdom.


One of the most important aspects of a group leader is to hold a safe and secure space for the group. In order to teach, share, listen and guide, the leader must be trustworthy, patient, positive and strong. When group members work on their past, present or future, sensitive issues and delicate questions often arise. Joanna, with her loving kindness, experience, positiveness, and wisdom, is a women who is a masterful group leader! I am so thankful to her for this class, and also in awe of her talented and wise heart.