Tarot Sessions with Joanna: Gaian & Herbcrafter’s Tarot
I am currently on sabbatical from offering tarot readings. I see the cards as a tool for personal growth and self-discovery. My emphasis in reading them is on insight into and clarification of the issue at hand, rather than prediction or fortune-telling. I am an intuitive reader, not a psychic one. I emphasize a balance of spirituality and practicality and will offer suggestions for concrete actions you can take regarding the situation. While my personal spiritual path is Goddess-centered, I respect all spiritual paths. I regard the reading as a conversation between myself, you, and the Great Mystery.Tarot Readings via Zoom Video Call
Our Process
You can focus on any area of your life for your reading — like your career, relationships, spirituality or finances.
When we discuss your question or the reason for your reading, I appreciate having as much background information as you are comfortable giving me. Everything we say in our time together is confidential. I will never share the information with anyone else. Try to be as clear as possible with your question, and phrase it in a way that avoids a “yes/no” answer. Instead we will use open-ended questions that begin with “how” or “what.” Often the best question to ask is: “What do I most need to know in this situation?” We will work together to clarify your question.
My role as a tarot reader is to help you recognize and embody your own inner wisdom.
Just finished a full and careful listening to the recording of the reading, taking lots of notes! Absolutely love the way the reading is so supportive of where I am right now. Wow! I have not felt clear in my BodyMindSpirit for quite awhile due to my disorientation / grief process around my husband’s death (and now the pandemic) — but there was such a foundation and hand holds in this reading for me. I felt a grounding and a coming back to center. Thank you so much for trusting the cards and your own beautiful gift of arising insight and wisdom.
~ ML
After thirty years of reading with a wide variety of tarot decks, I now read with my own decks, the Gaian Tarot and Herbcrafter's Tarot.
I often use the Gaian Tarot as my main reading deck, and “translate” or compare the card to the same ones in the Herbcrafter’s Tarot. I am happy to read directly with the Herbcrafter’s Tarot too. Your choice!
I use a variety of spreads. I will choose a spread based on your question or situation. Sometimes I’ll make up a custom spread just for you.
I shuffle and lay out the cards ahead of time, snap a photo of the layout and email it to you. This way, you can have the “cards” in front of you as we do the reading. This is important because we will have a dialog about the cards, and I will ask you what your responses are to the imagery on the cards.
I record all readings and will email the link to the video recording to you.
Joanna’s reading was my first reading ever. She is very warm and very gentle, and she spent a long time listening to my feelings, helping me identify the main question I needed help exploring. I felt heard and understood. She walked me through the beautiful symbolism on each card and helped me see connections and opportunities in my life. It was like looking at the most important issue in my life from about eight different perspectives. Joanna showed me specific steps I could take immediately to make personal and meaningful changes in my life. I feel energized and inspired, like I’ve turned a corner or stepped through a doorway. Thank you, Joanna.
~ KH
Code of Ethics
I am not a doctor, lawyer, or financial expert and I encourage you to seek professional assistance in those areas if necessary. My role is to help you gain insight and clarity into your current situation. I do not predict fixed outcomes, as I believe that we are each responsible for how we respond to the situations in our lives. Everything shared in a session is held in the strictest confidence.
Tarot reading on Zoom
Doors will reopen soon for Zoom video readings on a limited basis.
The price is $150 for 60 minutes.
My tarot experience with Joanna was calm, graceful and eye-opening. All the cards pulled hit the mark for my life’s situation. Joanna’s interpretation was unique and struck the “ah-ha!” cord of my soul. She is professional, friendly and I felt instantly at ease in her presence. She encouraged me to ask questions and together we created wonderful answers.
~ RK