(Medium: Colored Pencil. This image is from the Pride Tarot, a collaborative 78-card tarot deck inspired by Pridefest and the achievements of the LGBTQ+ movement, published by U.S. Games Systems in 2020. Pride Tarot features 45 diverse artists from around the globe who share their poignant and powerful stories. Part of the profits support the Trevor Project.)
An elderly woman offers “Free Grandma Hugs” at a Pride parade to any young person who has been rejected by their own family because of their sexual orientation. Other friends and family members also carry signs of love and support. The entire parade is a community collaboration that proclaims to the world that LGBTQ+ youth are loved, celebrated, and supported just as they are. I chose to interpret the 3 of Pentacles in this way after being moved to tears at our local Pride parade, watching so many young people being embraced by surrogate mothers, fathers, and grandparents.
Card meaning: Collaboration, teamwork, coming together with others to create something that benefits the greater community.