One upon a time, there was a lovely community that gathered online twice a month to study the Gaian Tarot. It was known as the Gaian Tarot Circle, and we gathered regularly from 2010 through 2014. During that time, our understanding of the deck deepened, lasting friendships were formed, and there were a lot of big belly laughs.
In 2016, a new edition of the Gaian Tarot was released by Schiffer, and many folks discovered the deck for the first time. One of those people, when she heard about the GTC and bemoaned being late to the party, nudged me to re-release the recordings of our card studies. So thank you for asking … and here it is!
What is it?
46 digital recordings each lasting about an hour, centered on an in-depth study and discussion of every card in the deck. Each Major Arcana card has a teleseminar all its own. For the Minors, we covered 4 cards at a time until the Fives, when we realized we need a bit more time for them. For the Fives all the way through to the Elders there are two calls for each, Part 1 on the Air & Fire suit, Part 2 on the Water & Earth suit. I’ve also included the Monthly Card Study PDF for you to use in your own study of the cards.
On the recordings, you will hear me speaking about the inspiration for each card and telling some of the stories behind it. You’ll get to know who some of the cards are based on, and a bit of the inside scoop on the process I used. I answered questions from circle members and listened as they added their own wisdom and perceptions of the cards to the mix. Each call ended with a short reading (I love group readings!)
If you run into any problems with your download, please contact us.