(Original: Digital/Procreate and traditional Colored Pencil. Original is 8″x10″.)
The Harvest Elder sets a chair for you at her table and pours a cup of tea. She sees all your beauty, all your flaws, your wounds and your gifts. She’s seen it all, and still she opens her heart in love.
Her season is Autumn, her holy day Autumn Equinox, her lunar phase the Third Quarter Moon, her life stage early elderhood (mid-60s through 80, roughly).
You’ll find her in the apple orchard, where boughs hang heavy with fruit. Or in the pantry, lining shelves with jars of summer’s bounty. She’s setting bottles of root tincture and berry elixir to brew in the darkness of an apothecary cabinet. You’ll often find her speaking her mind at the Council of Elders.
She challenges us to gather the harvest in, then give it all away.
She mends the web of life.