(Original: Digital/Procreate and traditional Colored Pencil. Original is 8″x10″.)
The Reaper cuts away all that no longer serves her innate wholeness. She is fierce in service to the land, to soul, to the collective.
Her season is Summer-Turning-to-Fall, her holy day Lammas, her lunar phase the Disseminating Moon (just past Full), her life stage late midlife (50s and 60s).
You’ll find her in the scent of pungent hops under a sweating sun, in dirt-encrusted fingernails, and in the scratches left on her skin by blackberry thorns and motherwort. She harvests, she sorts, she threshes, she grinds. She is the baker and the bread, the brewer and the beer.
She knows how to swing the scythe.